Saturday, July 09, 2005

Confession is Good for the Soil

My great-grandfather was a pioneer. My grandfather was a farmer. My father grew up working the land. I did none of that. I think I missed out. I remember the stories my dad tells. Raw land. Full of trees and sloughs and rocks. Had to become fields. So how do you do it? You cut each tree down. You pull up each stump. Gather all the brush and make a big pile to burn. You pick each rock. It takes hours and hours of back breaking labor. You break up the ground one bit at a time. It's incredibly hard work. You only get a piece at a time.

"Confession does for the soul what working the land does for the soil. Before the farmer he works the land removing the rocks and pulling up the stumps. Why? Seed grows better in prepared soil." (Max Lucado)

I have a confession to make. Yesterday I wanted to invest my day on one really important person in my life. My father-in-law. He's a man of great faith. I have so much respect for him and for his walk with God. So we spent a good bit of the day together. At lunch what looked like a homeless guy came by where we were sitting and asked so sit with us. Maybe he was eager for the same thing I was - great conversation. Maybe he was hungry for my leftovers. Maybe he just wanted to bug us. I didn't wait to find out. I brushed him of with a comment. Just like that.

Later on I second guessed myself. That guy could have been anyone. Could have been Jesus. Could have been someone in need. Could have been someone I could have ministered to - even if just for a moment. We could have. I could have taken the lessons my father-in-law was passing on to me and used them. Here we were talking about ministry and God and how He works... But no. I just brushed him off. O God, please forgive me. I'm feeling pretty ashamed of myself. That's not an example of You. Give me your eyes to see the world around me as You see it. Give me eyes to see people as you see them - with great compassion and love. Break up my hardened ground and create a field to plant your seeds of fruitfulness in.

I still have so much unbroken ground. Where will God's seed of fruitfulness go if the ground is still hard and unyeilding? It has to be broken up. My soil needs to be much more prepared to recieve it. I can see there's still a lot of work to do.


At July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that you would experience that Dwayne. We were told once that in God's economy there is no such thing as an interruption...only appointments. God help each one of us to keep those appointments. Keep ministering through your blog, I used to read the news first on the net and now I read your ministry. We continue to pray as you are brought to mind. B&K

At July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dwayne, this is really power stuff! The depth of your faith and insight is a real ministry to me. Your humility and openness to God's leading is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your thoughts -- you have a real gift for vivid writing. Laura and I pray for you, Janet and your kids regularly. Peter

At July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dwayne...remember Archie back in Midale? Walking around with a bag of cough medicine bottles looking for a ride to the border...actually across the border. I talked to him for a bit. You fed him and showed him a movie. These lessons come more often than we probably even know. Relax and "taste and see that the Lord is good."

At July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be gentle with yourself Dwayne. God created us with our imperfections so that we can learn and grow from our experiences. So that we will listen more earnestly to the message He has for us and truly understand his desires for how we live our lives. I am all for compassion and love - and so are you....ask anyone who knows you. Sometimes God reminds us in very real ways how important compassion and love are....perhaps that was the lesson you were to learn yesterday, and in the manner you did.
We continue to pray for you, Janet and the kids and read your blog daily. You are very insightful and your willingess to share with all who read is a blessing.


At July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were right to chastise yourself for the incident with the person that approached you. But you have asked for forgiveness from God, and it has been granted, no doubt. I work in the city core and have to do this a few times each day. All I can do when I am approached is silently ask God "Please give me a sign if this a discussion you want to happen" So far, He's only done it once, and it was just a gut feeling. It was the sign I requested. If we treated everybody we met on the street as a friend, we would be VERY busy. I depend on God to let me know which ones need me. I hope this makes some sense to you.

Your brother in Christ,

At July 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice comments I came across your Blogg in an E-mail from my uncle. I feel you need to hear some encouraging words. I was working in Northern BC, about ten years ago when I met this stranger on a work site. And he said God wanted him to talk to me. This conversation changed my life forever; please respond to these sheep when you feel God directs you too!

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